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Scientific Publications
Science Articles
Can Hydrous Minerals Explain the Mid Lithospheric Discontinuity?(Poster): HGS-Rice Night, March 5, 2018, Houston.
Hydrous Minerals and Mid Lithospheric Discontinuity (Oral) : GEISS 2018, Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences.
Saha et. al., EEPS Reach: The New Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences Outreach Program (Poster): IRESS 2018, February 22-33, Rice University, Houston
Constraints on the Chemistry and Abundances of the Hydrous Phases in Sub Continental Lithospheric Mantle-Implications for Mid Lithospheric Discontinuity (Oral): AGU Fall Meeting 2017, December 11-15,
Presentations and Publications: Welcome
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