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Scientific Publications

Google Scholar

Saha, S., Dasgupta, R., Tsuno, K.(2018). High pressure phase relations of a depleted peridotite fluxed by CO2-H2O-bearing siliceous melts and the origin of mid lithospheric discontinuity. Geochemistry,
Geophysics, Geosystems, 19.\\

Science Articles


Saha, S., What the Moon's Craters tell us about Earth's past climate. Guest blogger for LPSC- March 2018-Woodlands, Texas




Can Hydrous Minerals Explain the Mid Lithospheric Discontinuity?(Poster): HGS-Rice Night, March 5, 2018, Houston.


Hydrous Minerals and Mid Lithospheric Discontinuity (Oral) : GEISS 2018, Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences.


Saha et. al., EEPS Reach: The New Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences Outreach Program (Poster): IRESS 2018, February 22-33, Rice University, Houston


 Constraints on the Chemistry and Abundances of the Hydrous Phases in Sub Continental Lithospheric Mantle-Implications for Mid Lithospheric Discontinuity (Oral): AGU Fall Meeting 2017, December 11-15,

Presentations and Publications: Welcome

Rehua, School of Teacher Education,
University of Canterbury, Christchurch 8041.
New Zealand.

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